Study, work or travel in the UK. British
culture and life.
Links /
Useful links for people from Israel who visit the UK
or study British English
Buy products connected with Israel and the UK:
dictionary / translator (Hebrew/English) ; Cheap
international call (UK to Israel) ; Flight
Subject | Name | Website address |
Studying in the UK | British Council | http://www.britishcouncil.org/israel |
Tourist information | Visit Britain | http://www.visitbritain.com/en/EN |
UK immigration | British Embassy | http://ukinisrael.fco.gov.uk/en |
Visa application | UK Visas | http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk |
British culture | BBC World Service | http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice |
Jewish culture | Jewish Culture UK | http://www.jewishculture.org.uk |
Travel in London | Transport for London | http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tfl/pdfdocs/hebrew.pdf |
Jewish restaurants in London | London Eating | http://www.london-eating.co.uk/cuisines/jewish.asp |
Jews in the UK | jewish.co.uk | http://www.jewish.co.uk |
Jewish Museum | http://www.jewishmuseum.org.uk | |
Jewish Chronicle | http://www.thejc.com | |
Living in the UK | Israeli Embassy | http://london.mfa.gov.il |